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The best way to predict the future is to create it

abraham lincoln


May 23, 2024 Aula Magna of the ESTCE Universitat Jaume I Castellón

Free registration

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  • Consortium for the Service of Prevention, Extinction of Fires, Rescue and Civil Protection of the province of Castellón. URA Water Rescue Unit
  • Prevention, Fire Extinction and Rescue Service of the Castellón City Council
  • Master's Degree in Emergency, Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
  • Coordination Chair in Road Accidents
  • CIRTESU Research Center in Robotics and Underwater Technologies
  • ValgrAI (Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence)
  • Erasmus Mundus MIR



d. David vicente segarra

Deputy Provincial Consortium of Firefighters Mayor Torre d'en Besora.

Dr. Pablo Salas Medina

Vice Dean of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences. Doctor from the Jaume I University.

Director of the Road Accident Coordination Chair.

Director of the teaching innovation group ECLIBAP (Problem-Based Clinical Education) and member of the CyS research group.

Mr. FCO Javier Botet serrano

Chief non-commissioned officer of the rescue units.

Consortium for the Prevention, Fire Extinction, Rescue and Civil Protection Service of the province of Castellón.

Dr. Pedro José Sanz Valero.

University Professor in the ICC (Computer Engineering and Science) department of the UJI and Senior Research Fellow at ValgrAI (Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence). UJI Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Marine Robotics (MIR), and of the CIRTESU (Research Center in Robotics and Underwater Technologies.

d. Antonio Costa Martínez

Chief Officer. Prevention, Fire Extinction and Rescue Service of the Castellón City Council.

Technical Engineer of Public Works. Graduated in Civil Engineering. .

Dr. Raúl Marín Prades

University Professor.Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Research Center for Robotics and Underwater Technologies). Doctor in Computer Engineering from the Jaume I University of Castellón. Academic coordinator of the Degree in Robotic Intelligence. National Coordinator of the Marine Automatics group of the Spanish Automatics Committee. UJI responsible for the research agreement on robotics for radioactive environments with the "European Center for Nuclear Research" (CERN)..
